September 19, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Action Animated Design Design Fashion Graphics Life Style Racing Technology

$GFOX Surpasses $2.3 Million Mark as $MATIC Rally Picks Speed

Recently, the crypto market took a nosedive because of some news from Matrixport analysis, raising concerns about the approval of a Bitcoin Spot ETF. This caused many popular alternative cryptocurrencies to retract their steps, but experts think this downturn will likely be short-lived. They predict that several cryptos will bounce back stronger, reviving the enthusiasm

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Animal Crypto Fashion NFT Technology

Why Research Matters Despite NFT Booms

NFTs, these digital collectibles on blockchains, have completely changed how we see art, investing, and ownership. But here’s the thing: with so many NFT projects out there and the challenge of figuring out their worth, investors are finding it tough to make smart choices beyond just following the buzz. While the first NFTs popped up

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Graphics NFT Technology

What Has Gone Wrong With Over 70% Gaming Projects?

GameFi has faded in the past months, with a study suggesting that 75% of these projects have failed. Around 2,127 web3 games have failed in the last five years since the GameFi niche emerged, representing 75.5% of the 2,817 web3 games launched. In other words, 3 out of every 4 web3 games have become inactive. 

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