September 20, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Action Adventure Animal Automotive Biology Business Crypto Curiosity Economy NFT

Conan Korea launches open beta service for decentralized storage network

Conan Korea recently launched the open beta version of OceanDrive, a desktop platform facilitating decentralized computer storage. This platform enables users to share and explore their digital assets, presenting a contrast to conventional cloud storage.  Unlike cloud services, which are subject to provider policies and lack reward systems, OceanDrive employs decentralized nodes for storage, offers

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Animated Business Graphics NFT

GameFi and Crypto Payments

GameFi has shown that gaming is evolving beyond traditionality. It integrates finance into gaming thereby creating a lot of possibilities. Fundamentally, the integration of web3 payment solutions into gaming ecosystems lies at the heart of this evolution. This is done with the crypto as currencies.  Imagine the awesomeness in playing with our Polygon or Doge

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